ENQA Panel Completes the Agency Review 2024 for THEQC
- Date 17 October 2024
ENQA Panel Completes the Agency Review 2024 for THEQC
The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) panel completed the site visit to THEQC in the scope of the agency review on 15-17 October 2024.
ENQA panel members who conducted the site visit were Prof. Melita Kovacevic (from Croatia), Ieva Vaiciukevičienė (from Lithuania), Susan Frances Hackett (from Ireland) and Topias Tolonen-Weckström (from Sweden). During the three-day site visit, the ENQA review panel conducted interviews with focus groups of THEQC’s internal and external stakeholders. The site visit was also important for assessing THEQC’s compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
THEQC’s application for full membership to ENQA was accepted by the ENQA Board on 28 April 2020, and THEQC’s 5-year full membership was approved. Stating that the site visit carried out for renewal of the ENQA membership and the registration to the European Quality Assurance Registry for Higher Education (EQAR) was productive, Prof. Ümit Kocabıçak, THEQC President, said, “We would like to thank the Council staff, the Council members, rectors, evaluators, quality ambassador students and all external stakeholders who contributed to our processes.”
ENQA, an umbrella organisation for the coordination of QA activities in higher education in Europe, contributes to its members and stakeholders by promoting European cooperation in the field of quality assurance in higher education and disseminating its knowledge and expertise among them to develop and share best practices and improve the European quality assurance.
With the renewal of EQAR registration, reports on THEQC’s institutional external evaluation and institutional accreditation activities as the official agency responsible for quality assurance in higher education in Türkiye, will continue to be included in the EQAR database (DEQAR). This success enables the Turkish higher education system’s status in the Bologna Process Implementation Reports to reach the highest development stage compliance indicators of the external quality assurance system.