
About us

Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) was founded as part of the ‘Higher Education Quality Assurance Regulation’ that entered in force upon its publication in the Official Gazette No. 29423 of 23 July 2015. The Council was reorganized according to the Additional Article No. 35 added to the Law No. 2547 on Higher Education following the enactment of the Law No. 7033 on Amendment of Certain Laws and Executive Orders for the Development of Industrial Zones and Subsidization of Production on 1 July 2017.

The THEQC is a public legal entity with administrative and financial autonomy and special budget founded with the aim of evaluating the quality levels of higher education institutions’ education and research activities and administrative services in accordance with the national and international quality standards, and coordinating the processes of accreditation, internal and external quality assurance, and authorization of independent external evaluation organizations.

Distribution of the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council Members


Three members elected by the Council of Higher Education General Board


Three members elected by the Inter-University Council


One member elected by the Ministry of National Education


One member representing the Vocational Qualifications Authority


One member representing the Turkish Accreditation Agency


One member representing the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye


One member representing the Health Institutes of Türkiye


One member representing the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye


One student representative

The following constitute the primary duties of THEQC

Performing external evaluation of higher education institutions
Coordinating the authorization and recognition processes of accreditation agencies
Ensuring the internalization and dissemination of quality assurance culture in higher education institutions