HomeBilateral Agreements
Bilateral Agreements
Institutions that have agreements with THEQC are listed below.
Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council (YÖDAK) - Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti
British Council
Turkish Maarif Foundation
- Turkish Higher Education Quality Council Üniversiteler, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara
- 0312 266 38 22 - 0312 266 39 31/32
- theqcsecretariat@yokak.gov.tr
- Turkish Higher Education Quality Council Üniversiteler, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara
- 0312 266 38 22 - 0312 266 39 31/32
- theqcsecretariat@yokak.gov.tr