THEQC Organises the 2024 Entry-Level Evaluator Training
- Date 27 August 2024
THEQC Organises the 2024 Entry-Level Evaluator Training
The Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) organised “the Entry-level evaluator training” for evaluators to be assigned to evaluation teams of higher education institutions in 2024.
268 evaluator candidates attended the online training held on 26 August 2024. Giving information about the training, Prof. Ümit Kocabıçak, THEQC President, said that in the entry-level training, which is the first step of the evaluator training series, basic information and what the evaluators should do in the field will be discussed.
Dr Resul Telli, Asst. Prof. Sibel Orhan Yıldız and Res. Asst. Sena Çatal, who are THEQC experts, gave detailed information to the evaluator candidates on topics such as the quality assurance system in higher education, the structure/logic of the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER), THEQC evaluation programs, the duties and responsibilities of an evaluation team, ethical and behavioural dimensions, time management, Institutional External Evaluation Program (IEEP) and Institutional Accreditation Program (IAP) evaluation processes, report writing for evaluation programs, and issues to consider during the report writing process. Asst. Prof. Tuba Canvar Kahveci, THEQC adviser, also made a presentation on accreditation criteria for learning and teaching and the maturity levels of THEQC Rubric.
At the end of the training, questions from the evaluators were answered by THEQC experts.