THEQC Stakeholder Meeting with HEIs in Ankara on ISER Methodology Development
- Date 23 July 2024
THEQC Stakeholder Meeting with HEIs in Ankara on ISER Methodology Development
The Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) organised a stakeholder meeting on the methodology development of institutional self-evaluation report (ISER).
Chaired by Prof. Ümit Kocabıçak, THEQC President, the meeting was held on 19 November 2024 with the participation of quality assurance officers from seven HEIs operating in Ankara and holding full accreditation, and the THEQC experts.
ISER writing, evidence collection process, expectations of HEIs about ISER methodology, HEIs’ suggestions for sustainable and trackable ISERs, and requests from THEQC were the topics discussed in the meeting.
The opinions and suggestions put forward at the meeting were assessed and it was decided to organise follow-up and improvement meetings with the participation of different stakeholders.