President Kocabıçak Presents the Institutional Accreditation Certificate to İzmir University of Economics, İzmir Institute of Technology and Manisa Celal Bayar University at the Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Held for Universities in İzmir and Manisa Celal Bayar University
- Date 14 February 2024
President Kocabıçak Presents the Institutional Accreditation Certificate to İzmir University of Economics, İzmir Institute of Technology and Manisa Celal Bayar University at the Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Held for Universities in İzmir and Manisa Celal Bayar University
Prof. Ümit Kocabıçak, President of the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) presented the Institutional Accreditation Certificate to İzmir University of Economics, İzmir Institute of Technology and Manisa Celal Bayar University at a ceremony within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program conducted by THEQC.
Ege University hosted the event in which a Conference and Information Meeting was held on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, ISER and Accreditations with the participation of rectors, vice-rectors, and representatives from the quality coordinator’s office from 11 universities on 12 February 2024.
President Kocabıçak made a presentation on “The Importance of Quality Assurance Systems and Accreditations in Higher Education” at the conference. President Kocabıçak gave information about THEQC’s activities, IAP, Institutional External Evaluation Programs and evaluation criteria in his presentation.
Prof. Necdet Budak, Rector of Ege University, also gave a speech at the conference. After the speeches, President Kocabıçak presented the Institutional Accreditation Certificates to Prof. Yusuf Hakan Abacıoğlu, Rector of İzmir University of Economics; Prof. Serdar Kale, Vice-Rector of İzmir Institute of Technology, and Prof. Rana Kibar, Rector of Manisa Celal Bayar University.
Prof. Mustafa Berktaş, Rector of İzmir Bakırçay University; Prof. Bedriye Tunçsiper, Rector of İzmir Democracy University; Prof. Saffet Köse; Rector of İzmir Katip Çelebi University, and governing body and academic staff of Ege university also attended the Institutional Accreditation Certificate ceremony held at the conference.