HomeAbout Students Commission

About Students Commission

The Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) Students Commission was established as per the Council decision issued on 1 October 2019 to ensure the increase of higher education students’; involvement in quality assurance systems, the dissemination of quality culture in the field of higher education, the internalization of quality assurance processes, and the conduction of works on national and international levels.The main tasks of the Commission are:

  • To conduct activities to ensure the internalization and dissemination of a quality culture in higher education among students,
  • To increase student involvement in quality assurance processes of higher education,
  • To plan the activities to be carried out during the academic year and present them to the Council for discussion at its meeting in November at the latest,
  • To carry out activities in the fields of student involvement in national and international quality works by including students as planned by the Commission Chair and the Coordinator to the knowledge of the Council President,
  • To suggest candidate students, who will take part in the evaluation programs carried out by the Council, to the Commission on Institutional External Evaluation and Accreditation,
  • To create an archive of the works carried out and present them to the Council at the end of the year, and
  • To write an annual report on the activities carried out by the Commission during the relevant year,submit it to the Council at the end of the year, and contribute to the writing of the relevant part of THEQC Annual Status Report.

Commission work is carried out through units. The units and commission members working in these units are given below.

The duties and responsibilities of the Publicity, Communication and Information Unit are as follows: 1) To promote and announce the activities of the Commission, 2) To write and share news about the activities of the Commission, 3) To communicate effectively with the stakeholders of the Commission.

  • Kadir ÖZKAN(Unit Leader)
  • Elif Sude KÖSE
  • Enes Talha KILIÇARSLAN
  • Gizem ŞAHİN
  • Nur Sena ALTUN

The duties and responsibilities of the International Relations Unit are as follows: 1) To follow the higher education quality assurance works of international agencies, 2) To follow the international relations of the Commission and plan collaborative work, 3) To follow the activities of THEQC’s international stakeholders and inform the Commission about the developments.

  • Elif Sude KÖSE(Unit Leader)
  • İremnur AYDIN
  • Nur Sena ALTUN

The duties and responsibilities of the Program Accreditation Unit are as follows: 1) To inform higher education students about the program accreditation processes, 2) To guide student involvement in program accreditation processes, 3) To follow the student involvement activities of national program accreditation agencies and inform the Commission.

  • Hilal TANRİVERDİ(Unit Leader)
  • İsmail UZUNEL

The duties and responsibilities of the Quality Societies Unit are as follows: 1) To guide quality societies to contribute to the internal quality assurance system of the institution, 2) To update the national quality societies’ list and to follow their work, 3) To organize cooperative activities with quality societies.

  • Gizem ŞAHİN(Unit Leader)
  • Enes Talha KILIÇARSLAN
  • Eda EREN

The duties and responsibilities of the Archive and Publication Unit are as follows: 1) To record the activities of the Commission and create an archive, 2) To write and publish the annual activity report of the Commission, 3) To conduct research on student involvement in higher education quality assurance and publish the results.

  • İremnur AYDIN(Unit Leader)
  • Eda EREN
  • İsmail UZUNEL
  • Kadir ÖZKAN