Training Meeting for International Evaluators
- Date 29 October 2024
Training Meeting for International Evaluators
A meeting was held for international evaluators in the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program (IAP) carried out by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC).
The meeting, held online on 25 October 2024, was attended by international evaluators who will serve in evaluation teams for higher education institutions under the IAP. Prof. Mustafa Çufalı, THEQC Vice President, gave the opening speech of the meeting.
Prof. Yunus Nadi Yüksek, THEQC Expert, informed the participants of THEQC’s activities and the IAP process. After his session, Dr Resul Telli informed the participants of the quality assurance system in higher education and the THEQC evaluation programs, namely the institutional accreditation program (IAP), institutional external evaluation program (IEEP), and follow-up and mid-term evaluation programs. The meeting continued with presentations by Asst. Prof. Sibel Orhan Yıldız on the duties and responsibilities of THEQC evaluation teams, the behavioural aspect of which they should be aware, and time management, and by Res. Asst. Sena Çatal on THEQC’s evaluation processes.
The training meeting ended after the questions-and-answers session.